Emet Global University is a not-for-profit higher education institution founded in 2015 by the Late Bishop Preston Lee Blackwell Sr. and Chancellor Nicole Gentles. Originally called Mountain Teaching University and later changed to Emet Global Education Group dba Emet Global University in 2018.
Emet Global University is here to serve those seeking, knowledge, skills, understanding, and the Truth of God. We believe teaching the TRUTH and equipping others in particularly seven key areas of life and career is key when addressing the needs and success of the “WHOLE” person. Mastering these key industry areas will also provide a clear path toward change and success in a huge economical way. Our programs teach the core biblical principles that can be applied to:
Relationship/Family: These programs focus on a person’s behavior and sense of connection. If there is one thing we know about God is His desire to see us in great mental health and healthy relationships starting with Him.
Our Program Areas

Finances/Economy: Understanding, stewardship of money, wealth building, the rule of increase and multiplication. The disciplines of money and investments and the true biblical teachings of tithe, offering, and giving.
Health/Wellness: God wants us to have a long life and good health. The man was created to live a lot longer than we live today so what is the true way of living a healthy life? We teach industry-recognized programs coupled with Biblical principles and methods.
Media/Technology: In today’s world it is important for the people of God to get ahead of this technology phase. When you look at the historic events in the Bible you will see that man has always been able to advance so it is no surprise where we are today. The question becomes how to apply yourself to be current with the changing technology and what is necessary to your journey, life, and purpose as it is impossible for one person to learn it all.
God/Righteousness: Most would call this area religion but in all reality, religion is just a belief in something, someone, or a set of rules that you serve more than yourself or anyone else. Here at Emet, we teach the truth about God, our Father and the creator of the worlds, His Holiness, His Character, His divinity, His Word, and His truth.
Government/Dominion: In all truth, we are always going to have a headship in all that we do. There is always ahead that carries the vision if we are to move forward. Here at Emet, we teach the core principles and understanding of the secular dynamics of government and the biblical dynamics of government.
Education/Understanding: We clearly feel we have some understanding of this area and feel it is a strong part of this entire puzzle of life and gaining knowledge, understanding, and skills. As disciples, we ought to always be in a learning mindset. Knowledge has always been attractive and it is often the reason we grow and the reason we fall. Understanding the fundamentals, truth, and wisdom of seeking and using information, we feel is the key to success.
Creativity/Entertainment: This is one area we believe is dear and true to the Character of God. There is so much we can pinpoint her. However, really honing in on the fact that talent is a gift, and if we are taught how to care for and use those gifts, we could do some amazing things in the world. Emet Global University is on a mission to reach people where they are and teach them the truth in hopes that they can grow from where they are to where they intend to live their best and the fullest life.