Business Management: Religious Organization Leadership CCP

***All students are required to complete both studies to be awarded a full diploma or degree of completion. Emet Global’s curriculum is geared towards faith-based study and vocation. All certificates, diplomas, and degrees have a faith-based modifier. It is then up to the student to pursue careers that are non-faith-based related if they choose .***Please click the link below for the second aspect associated with your desired program.

Emet Global Office of the Registrar

Prerequisite Courses

Flex Education Introductory 100- PRE-REQ

Bible Comprehension 100 PRE-REG

Biblical Comprehension 200 PRE-REQ

Discipleship I- 200- PRE-REQ

Program Major

Business Leadership 102

Business Marketing and Promotion 103​​

Team Building and Development 104

International Business Strategies 105​​

Business Plan and Proposal 106

Advance Business Leadership 202

​Advance Business Marketing and Promotion 203​​

Leadership Building and Development 204

International Business Strategy Intensive 205​​

Business Plan and Proposal Comprehensive 206

Required Concentration Courses

Introduction to Divine Leadership 210

Foundations of Kingdom Leadership 221

Leadership Holiness Transformation 230

Team Building a Biblical Approach  240 ​

Comprehensive Study on Religious Leadership 260

General Education Courses

​​​​​English Composition I-200 GEN-ED

English Composition II-200 GED-ED

College Algebra I -200 GEN-ED

Elective Courses (2 Required)

Religious Organization Study   100

Business Laws for Religious Organizations 102

Key Principles of a Faith-Based Organization 104

Financial Fundamentals of Religious Institution  106

 Human Resources Principles for Religious Institutions 108

Optional Career Courses

Experiential Learning 1000 (Optional Experiential Learning)