Oct 05

Photography Professional Christian Media w/Addobe

Emet Global UniversityComment Closed

Do you believe you have a calling in your life for Christian Media? Earn your certificate in Photography in a few short weeks. Graduates of this program are able to land a role as ministry photographers. Editor, media manager, coordinator, and events photographer. A certificate in photography Christian Media will have you stand out above […]

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Oct 05

Certificate Programs

Emet Global UniversityComment Closed

Wanting to just gain the skills or subject matter expertise without taking additional electives or general education classes? Our certificate programs prepare students vocationally.

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Oct 05

Entrepreneurship Ministry Operations-EMO100

Emet Global UniversityComment Closed

Have a strong passion and love for the work of God? You feel as though God has given you a gift, a talent, or an idea, when manifested will help many? Not sure where to start because you have no idea how to make the vision plain? Getting your certificate or degree in Entrepreneurship Ministry […]

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