***This description is only for one aspect of your program. Every program has a major and a required concentration that is a part of that program. All students are required to complete both studies to be awarded a full diploma or degree of completion. Emet Global’s curriculum is geared towards faith-based study and vocation. All certificates, diplomas, and degrees have a faith-based modifier. It is then up to the student to pursue careers that are non-faith-based related if they choose.***Please click the link below for the second aspect associated with your desired program.
Ministry Outreach and Fundraising (Diploma Program)
Christian Ministry (Associate Degree)
Church Planting (Bachelor Degree)
Program Summary
The Economics Professional Program is designed to offer an understanding of how microeconomics and macroeconomics have a significant impact on the economy. This program also teaches demand and supply in the free market as well as economical behavioral influences. According to Zippa.com, between 2018 and 2028 the career field for economic specialists has an expectation for growth of about 9% and will more than likely produce 28,900 job opportunities across the U.S alone. For those who are interested in making a difference in the economy, such as helping to reform the social security administration, and the American unemployment system this program sparks that interest. For students who see economical issues from a biblical standpoint, this program gives you an introduction to the economical kingdom, as well as economical covenants and revelations. This program offers a biblical approach to economic issues. This is the perfect opportunity to get started in the career field of an economic professional.

Program Overview
In the Economical Professional Program, you will study key factors for making decisions on family, business, or in society. The program develops the student by helping them understand the relationship between production and division labor. Upon completion of this program, students will have a newfound understanding of mankind’s constant desire for goods, services, and resources and why that desire exceeds what is available. Students will also be able to explain the significance of scarcity. Students will gain better insight into the division of labor and the generation of production within an economy. Upon completion of the program, students will become knowledgeable in trading and the economical markets.
Upon successful completion of this program, students would be eligible to sit for the National Certification Credential exam.
Program | Credential | Tuition |
Economics Professional: Ministry Outreach and Fundraising | Diploma | $2,999 |
Economics Professional: Christian Ministry | Associate | $3,999 |
Economics Professional: Church Planting | Bachelors | $4,999 |
Ministry and Non-Profit Management: Economics Professional | Masters | $4,999 |
Community Care Pastoral Counseling: Economics Professional | Doctorate | $5,999 |
Doctor of Ministry: Economics Professional | Doctor of Ministry | $6,999 |
Career Field
This degree is great for someone who hopes to pursue a career in outreach ministry or even start their own outreach ministry or program. Individuals who enter this program are generally those who have a passion for reaching others in poverty-driven situations such as food banks, group homes, and different activities that focus on Kingdom and World economic improvement which makes this a great program for apostles and prophets who are world influencers and government counsels.