Advance Fundamentals of Psychology 506 – GENESIS
- Advance Evolutionary Psychology 506 – COURSE
- Human Society and Social Norm 506 -COURSE
- Advance Psychological Concept and Principles 506-COURSE
Credits _________________________________ 9
Advance Psychological Research 516 -GENESIS
- Research Methods & Statistics 516 -COURSE
- Research Methods in Psychology 516- COURSE
- Understanding Psychological Traits 516- COURSE
Credits _________________________________ 9
Doctoral Approach to Mental Health and Illnesses-GENESIS
- Doctoral Study of Mental Health 511- COURSE
- Doctoral Study of Mental Illnesses 511-COURSE
- Understanding Mental Disorders 511-COURSE
Credits __________________________________ 9
Doctoral Profession in Psychology 512
- Advance Mental Health Profession 512- COURSE
- Theories of Psychological and Emotional Well-Being 511-COURSE
- Understanding the field of Mental Health Counseling 512-COURSE
Credits _________________________________ 9
The Philosophy of Psychology 510
- Methodology of Psychology Determination 510-COURSE
- The Concerns of Epistemological Theories 510- COURSE
- The Principles Surrounding Philosophy of the Mind 510-COURSE
Credits _________________________________ 9
Additional Electives Required-Self-Pace
- Biblical Fundamentals of Psychology 506-COURSE
- Psychological Research and Biblical Worldview 1 516- COURSE
- Advance Life Coaching Principles 512- COURSE
- Introduction to Advanced Social Work 512-COURSE
- ANY ELECTIVE- STUDENT CHOICE- 3 Additional Credit —————3 Credits
Credits _________________________________ 15
Additional Experiential Learning
Exams and Psychology Dissertations I, II, III
- Teaching Practicum – COURSE
- Dissertation Proposal Development- COURSE
- Dissertation Research and Writing- COURSE
- Dissertation Defense-COURSE
TOTAL CREDITS EARNED ____________________ 60 Required