Sunday School PCP

Hybrid Learning Environment Creation 100

Understanding Virtual Sunday School Dynamics 100​

Developing Successful Sunday School Curriculum 100 ​

Principles of an Attention-Grabbing Course 100​

Understanding Types of Sunday School Activities 100​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Introductory Sunday School Topics 102

Study and Teaching on God and His Creation 102​

Study and Teaching of the Bible and the Plan of God 102​

Teaching the History of Biblical Relationships 102​

The Study and Teachings of Christ and the Gospel 102​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Improving Ministries Through Sunday School 104

Teaching Sunday School for the Right Reasons 104​

Phenomenon on the Intended Demographic for the Word 104​

Initiating Change Through Biblical Impartation 104​

Principles of Creating a Sunday School Plan 104​

Credits __________________________________ 3

Pastoral Support and Sunday School Responsibility 105

Creating a Sunday School Improvement Plan 105​

Strategies to Encourage and Motivate Teachers 105​

Providing a Welcoming Environment for Exchange 105​

Promoting Diversity and Respect 105​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Identifying Needs Beyond Sunday School 122  ​

Implementing Tools for Feedback and Survey 122  ​

Developing a Personal and Individual Segment 122​

Implementing Attendance System and Reports 122  ​

Providing Support and Resources to Attendees 122​

Credits __________________________________ 3