Hybrid Learning Environment Creation 100
Understanding Virtual Sunday School Dynamics 100
Developing Successful Sunday School Curriculum 100
Principles of an Attention-Grabbing Course 100
Understanding Types of Sunday School Activities 100
Credits _________________________________ 3
Introductory Sunday School Topics 102
Study and Teaching on God and His Creation 102
Study and Teaching of the Bible and the Plan of God 102
Teaching the History of Biblical Relationships 102
The Study and Teachings of Christ and the Gospel 102
Credits _________________________________ 3
Improving Ministries Through Sunday School 104
Teaching Sunday School for the Right Reasons 104
Phenomenon on the Intended Demographic for the Word 104
Initiating Change Through Biblical Impartation 104
Principles of Creating a Sunday School Plan 104
Credits __________________________________ 3
Pastoral Support and Sunday School Responsibility 105
Creating a Sunday School Improvement Plan 105
Strategies to Encourage and Motivate Teachers 105
Providing a Welcoming Environment for Exchange 105
Promoting Diversity and Respect 105
Credits _________________________________ 3
Identifying Needs Beyond Sunday School 122
Implementing Tools for Feedback and Survey 122
Developing a Personal and Individual Segment 122
Implementing Attendance System and Reports 122
Providing Support and Resources to Attendees 122
Credits __________________________________ 3